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paradise ƒears ▪ sono una band americana composta da 6 ragazzi. sam, cole, lucas, marcus, jordan e michael si propongono come la nuova band pronta a fare successo e diventare famosi, rubando il cuore di tutte le loro fans!

'music is the air we breathe'
mtb,yt (discography)
11 m a r z o 2012 nasce la vostra prima e migliore risorsa sulla band americana paradise fears›› contact us
pf i t a l y* ci proponiamo per diventare una delle vostre migliori fonti di ricerca sulla band. restate con noi e non vi deluderemo!
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m o r e buttons ?

paradise ƒears i t a l y *

ForumTopicsRepliesLast Post Info

i can't get to you

journal › read the rules and take a button. after this introduce yourself
405/8/2012, 17:16
In: laugh with me :
By: vampiremichs

bleeding confidence

friends › another summer's love ♥ but this time is just for advertisement
31121/5/2014, 16:02
In: you take me away :
By: Without_Loved

like is the last breath

offtopic › take off your eyes from the guys and have fun with us
508/5/2012, 00:00
In: will you follow me ?
By: vampiremichs

• • • • •
In: ----
By: ----

you want me to go

news ›› paradise fears, six-piece pop-punk american band..
5018/9/2012, 22:23
In: pf on the beat magazine
By: vampiremichs

i'm here to stay

photos › you can't say that their smile aren't contagious, cause they are.
409/8/2012, 01:18
In: photo diary hunstington
By: vampiremichs

singing now or never

videos › 'we started playing music and making videos since we were in high school'
51310/10/2012, 19:47
In: October Studio Update
By: vampiremichs

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when müsic hits you feel no pain : paradise ƒears i t a l y * have 128 posts, 108 topics, 5 members, 190 total visits, 8 monthly visits
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